How did the Cultural Revolution of 1966 impact China?


Many protests took place and the government became more democratic in response.

Military forces took over China and turned it into a military dictatorship.

Many critics of the movement were punished and China became a communist country. - no response given

Imperial powers took control of China and divided it into colonial territories.

The Cultural Revolution of 1966 in China had a significant impact on the country. It led to widespread chaos, violence, and political persecution. Many intellectuals, artists, and other members of society were targeted and subjected to public humiliation, imprisonment, or even death. The economy suffered as schools and other institutions were shut down, and traditional Chinese culture and values were suppressed in favor of the ideals of Communist Leader Mao Zedong. The violence and chaos of the Cultural Revolution continued until Mao's death in 1976, leaving a lasting impact on Chinese society and politics.