A rock is taken from the Moon back to Earth. Which of the following correctly describes the changes to its mass and weight?

A. its mass increases, and its weight increases.
B. Its mass decreases, and its weight has no change.
C. Its mass has no change, and its weight increases.
D. Its mass has no change, and its weight decreases.
(The correct answer is not D. Its mass has no change, and its weight decreases.)

The correct answer is C. Its mass has no change, and its weight increases.

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, which remains the same regardless of the location. Weight, on the other hand, is the force of gravity acting on an object, which can vary depending on the gravitational pull of the celestial body the object is on. Since the Moon has less gravitational pull than Earth, a rock taken from the Moon back to Earth will experience an increase in weight due to the stronger gravitational force.