Elvis is going to open a deli in one of two neighboring towns. Specializing in peanut butter, bacon and banana fried sandwiches Valleyview has a population of 1860 and already has 2 delis. Whitecourt has a population of 18 950 and has 22 delis. Elvis will choose the town that will have the most residents per deli. Which town will Elvis choose

Elvis will choose Whitecourt because it has a population of 18,950 and only 22 delis, giving a ratio of approximately 860 residents per deli. In Valleyview, the population is 1,860 and there are already 2 delis, giving a ratio of 930 residents per deli. Therefore, Whitecourt has a higher ratio of residents per deli, making it the better choice for Elvis to open his deli specializing in peanut butter, bacon, and banana fried sandwiches.