The tax on a property with an assessed value of $72,000 is $675. Using a proportion, find the tax on a property with an assessed value of $94,000. Round to two decimal places

Let x represent the tax on a property with an assessed value of $94,000.

Since the tax on a property with an assessed value of $72,000 is $675, we can set up the proportion:

$\frac{675}{72000} = \frac{x}{94000}$.

Cross multiply to solve for x:

$675 * 94000 = 72000 * x$.

$63,450,000 = 72,000x$

Divide by 72,000 on both sides to solve for x:

$x = \frac{63,450,000}{72,000}$

$x ≈ $881.25

Therefore, the tax on a property with an assessed value of $94,000 is approximately $881.25.