An island has 12 fur seal rookeries. To estimate the fit seal pup population in rookery A, 6741 pups were tagged in early august. In late august, a sample of 500 pups were observed, 151 of which were previously tagged. Use a proportion to estimate the total number of pups in rookery A.

To estimate the total number of pups in rookery A, we can use the proportion of tagged pups in the sample to the total tagged pups.

Proportion of tagged pups in sample = Number of tagged pups in sample / Total sampled pups
Proportion = 151 / 500 = 0.302

Now, we can use this proportion to estimate the total number of pups in rookery A:
Total estimated number of pups in rookery A = Total tagged pups / Proportion
Total estimated number = 6741 / 0.302 ≈ 22,341

Therefore, the estimated total number of pups in rookery A is approximately 22,341.