The Roman and Byzantine Empires Practice answers

The Roman Empire was known for its strong military, efficient administration, and advanced infrastructure including roads, aqueducts, and public buildings. They also had a sophisticated legal system and cultural achievements in art, literature, and architecture.

The Byzantine Empire, which was the eastern continuation of the Roman Empire after its fall, was known for its centralized administration, strong bureaucracy, and enduring influence on Orthodox Christianity. The Byzantines also made advancements in art, architecture, and literature, and preserved and transmitted classical knowledge to the medieval world.

Both empires practiced a form of autocracy, with the emperor holding absolute power. They also relied on a system of patronage to maintain loyalty among the ruling elite, and both empires had a strong military presence to defend their borders and expand their territories.

The Roman Empire allowed for some degree of religious tolerance, though this varied over time and across different emperors. The Byzantine Empire, however, was officially Christian and persecuted non-Orthodox Christian groups, such as Arians and Monophysites.

Overall, both empires were characterized by centralized power, military strength, and a legacy of cultural and architectural achievements that have endured to the present day.