Generate an infographic of a geometric shape. The shape is a pyramid with a rectangular base. The length of the base is depicted as 8 feet and its width is 6 feet. The height of the pyramid, represented by a dotted line proceeding from the apex to the middle of the base, is labeled as 12 feet. Although not directly visible, the back sides of the pyramid are implied with dashed lines. Please refrain from including any text within the image.

Use the image to answer the question.

An illustration shows a pyramid with a rectangular base of length 8 feet and width 6 feet. The perpendicular height, drawn as a dotted line from the apex to the center of the base, is labeled 12 feet. The sides that are not visible are drawn in dashed lines.

What is the pyramid’s length?

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The length of the pyramid can be calculated by finding the slant height of the pyramid. This can be done using the Pythagorean theorem, where the slant height (h) is the hypotenuse, the perpendicular height is one leg of the right triangle, and half the base length is the other leg.

h^2 = 6^2 + 4^2
h^2 = 36 + 16
h^2 = 52
h = √52
h ≈ 7.21 feet

Therefore, the length of the pyramid is approximately 7.21 feet.