Describe an activity that could be used to support and enhance the development of reading and writing connections

One activity that could support and enhance the development of reading and writing connections is reciprocal teaching. Reciprocal teaching is a strategy where students take turns leading a small group discussion about a text they have read. The group discusses the main ideas, clarifies any unclear parts, makes predictions, and summarizes the text.

By participating in reciprocal teaching, students are not only practicing their reading comprehension skills, but they are also improving their writing skills. As they discuss the text, students are constantly using and practicing language and communication skills, which are essential for both reading and writing. Additionally, when students take turns leading the discussion, they are practicing their speaking and listening skills, which are closely linked to reading and writing development.

Furthermore, after the discussion, students can be asked to write a summary of the text or a reflection on the discussion. This writing task allows students to transfer their understanding of the text into written form, reinforcing their reading and writing connections. It also gives teachers an opportunity to assess students' comprehension of the text and their ability to express their ideas in writing.

Overall, reciprocal teaching is a highly effective activity for supporting and enhancing the development of reading and writing connections. It allows students to practice a variety of language skills in a meaningful context and helps them make connections between reading and writing.