The formula f(x) = 3x + 72 represents the temperature of water put to boil, in degrees Fahrenheit, after leaving it on the stove for x minutes Calculate the average temperature change between two and five minutes point )

To calculate the average temperature change between two and five minutes, we need to find the temperature at 2 minutes and at 5 minutes using the formula given.

At 2 minutes:
f(2) = 3(2) + 72
f(2) = 6 + 72
f(2) = 78

Therefore, the temperature at 2 minutes is 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

At 5 minutes:
f(5) = 3(5) + 72
f(5) = 15 + 72
f(5) = 87

Therefore, the temperature at 5 minutes is 87 degrees Fahrenheit.

Now, to calculate the average temperature change between 2 and 5 minutes, we subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature and divide by the time interval.

Average temperature change = (87 - 78) / (5 - 2)
Average temperature change = 9 / 3
Average temperature change = 3 degrees Fahrenheit

Therefore, the average temperature change between two and five minutes is 3 degrees Fahrenheit.