Character Name:

Martin Luther King, Jr
Where are they from?

When were they alive?

What were they known for?

Why is this person important to Georgia’s history? What was their legacy? (this should be at least 3 sentences)

Martin Luther King, Jr. was from Atlanta, Georgia. He was born on January 15, 1929, and tragically assassinated on April 4, 1968.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a prominent leader in the Civil Rights Movement and known for his nonviolent activism in the fight against racial discrimination and segregation. He delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, which called for an end to racism in the United States.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is important to Georgia's history as he was a native son who fought tirelessly for equality and justice for all. His legacy lives on in the continued push for civil rights and racial equality, inspiring generations to stand up against discrimination and injustice. King's leadership and advocacy have left a lasting impact on the state of Georgia and the nation as a whole.