Right triangle FHG is shown the sine of <F is 0.53. What is the cosine of <H

To find the cosine of angle H in right triangle FHG, we need to use the identity of sine and cosine in a right triangle: sin^2(angle) + cos^2(angle) = 1.

Given that sin(angle F) = 0.53, we can calculate cos(angle F) as follows:

sin^2(angle F) + cos^2(angle F) = 1
0.53^2 + cos^2(angle F) = 1
0.2809 + cos^2(angle F) = 1
cos^2(angle F) = 1 - 0.2809
cos^2(angle F) = 0.7191
cos(angle F) ≈ √0.7191
cos(angle F) ≈ 0.848

Therefore, the cosine of angle H in right triangle FHG is approximately 0.848.