A 2-pound bottle of barbeque sauce costs $29.12. What is the price per ounce?

To find the price per ounce, we first need to know how many ounces are in a 2-pound bottle. Since 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces, a 2-pound bottle would be equal to 32 ounces.

Next, we divide the total cost of the bottle by the number of ounces:
$29.12 / 32 ounces = $0.91 per ounce

Therefore, the price per ounce of the barbeque sauce is $0.91.

Fascinated by ocean life, Sally wants to put a saltwater aquarium in her bedroom. She needs to make sure she buys a big enough tank to grow her collection of fish over time.

The graph shows the proportional relationship between the number of fish in Sally's collection, x, and the smallest tank size (in gallons), y, she needs to safely keep her fish.

It seems like you were going to provide a graph to me regarding Sally's fish tank size based on the number of fish she has. If you could provide that information, I would be happy to analyze it and provide recommendations for Sally.