Different types of poetry

1. Sonnet: A 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and meter, popular in Renaissance poetry.

2. Haiku: A traditional form of Japanese poetry with three lines and a syllable pattern of 5-7-5.
3. Limerick: A humorous, often nonsensical 5-line poem with an AABB rhyme scheme.
4. Free Verse: Poetry that does not follow a specific rhyme scheme or meter, allowing for greater creativity and expression.
5. Ballad: A narrative poem that tells a story, often with a repeating refrain and a simple rhyme scheme.
6. Ode: A lyrical poem that celebrates or praises a person, place, thing, or concept.
7. Villanelle: A 19-line poem with a strict rhyme scheme and repeated lines, often exploring themes of obsession or loss.
8. Pantoum: A form of Malaysian poetry with a specific structure of repeating lines and a complex interweaving of ideas.
9. Cinquain: A five-line poem with a specific syllable pattern and a focus on imagery and concise language.
10. Concrete Poetry: Poetry that is visually arranged on the page to reflect its subject matter.