What is more likely to be considered a Saudi Arabian norm than an American norm?

(1 point)

wearing clothing that allows for greater ease in playing sports

wearing clothing that allows for greater ease in playing sports

walking many miles to attain food and clean water

walking many miles to attain food and clean water

taking home leftovers from a meal at a restaurant

taking home leftovers from a meal at a restaurant

donating the leftovers from a meal to the homeless

walking many miles to attain food and clean water

What is most likely true about social health’s impact on a person’s overall health?

(1 point)

Social health makes a significant impact on overall health.

Social health makes a significant impact on overall health.

Social health makes no impact on overall health.

Social health makes no impact on overall health.

Social health makes a slight impact on overall health.

Social health makes a slight impact on overall health.

Doctors are not sure if social health impacts overall health.