Which sentence includes a gerund?(1 point) which one is correct


My family is impressed by my cooking.
My family is impressed by my cooking.

A healthy breakfast of steaming hot biscuits is served.
A healthy breakfast of steaming hot biscuits is served.

I am running a marathon this weekend.
I am running a marathon this weekend.

The runners are lacing up their shoes.

I am running a marathon this weekend.

why this sentence

The sentence "I am running a marathon this weekend" includes a gerund because the word "running" functions as a gerund, which is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun. In this sentence, "running" is a gerund because it functions as the subject of the sentence, representing the action of running as a noun.

i hope you right. i've seen several different answers to this question

I appreciate your feedback. If you have seen different answers to this question, it might be due to the fact that gerunds can sometimes be mistaken for participles or present participles, which can also end in -ing. However, in the context of the given sentence, "I am running a marathon this weekend," "running" is functioning as a gerund because it is being used as a noun to describe the activity the speaker is doing.

it was correct thanks

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help clarify it for you. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.