Que compre y donde lo compre

for this portfolio, imagine you are in Buenos Aires' largest shopping mall, Abasto shopping.

During your visit to the mall, you decide to buy a few things for a family member before returning back home. Write a 10 to 15 sentence journal entry in Spanish in which you detail some of the things you purchased at the Abasto mall. You may choose to include some of the gift and clothing accessory vocabulary words that you learned earlier in this unit.

Your journal entry should include...
A description of what you bought.
Details about where you bought it.
Name and relation of the person for whom you bought each gift.

In your journal entry make sure to use expressions that signal the past tense, and the preterite tense or regular -ar verbs. Remember to add an opinion to your portfolio

Hoy fui al Abasto Shopping para comprar algunos regalos para mi familia antes de regresar a casa. Primero, entré en una tienda de ropa y compré un hermoso vestido rojo para mi madre. El vestido tenía un diseño elegante y estaba a un precio bastante accesible.

Después, fui a una tienda de electrónica y compré unos auriculares inalámbricos para mi hermano. Sabía que le encantaría tener unos auriculares de buena calidad para escuchar música mientras estudia.

También pasé por una tienda de deportes y compré un par de zapatillas para mi padre. Eran unas zapatillas deportivas de marca reconocida y en su color favorito, así que estoy segura de que le encantarán.

Para mi abuela, compré un hermoso pañuelo de seda en una tienda de accesorios. El pañuelo tenía un diseño floral y unos colores muy bonitos que sé que a ella le fascinan.

En general, estoy muy contenta con las compras que hice en el Abasto Shopping. Fue una experiencia divertida y encontré regalos perfectos para cada miembro de mi familia. Estoy segura de que les encantarán los regalos que he comprado para ellos.

in ingles por favor

Today, I went to the Abasto Shopping mall to buy some gifts for my family before heading back home. First, I went into a clothing store and bought a beautiful red dress for my mother. The dress had an elegant design and was at a quite affordable price.

Afterwards, I went to an electronics store and bought a pair of wireless headphones for my brother. I knew he would love to have some good quality headphones to listen to music while studying.

I also stopped by a sports store and bought a pair of sneakers for my father. They were branded sports shoes in his favorite color, so I am sure he will love them.

For my grandmother, I bought a lovely silk scarf at an accessories store. The scarf had a floral design and very pretty colors that I know she will adore.

Overall, I am very happy with the purchases I made at the Abasto Shopping mall. It was a fun experience, and I found perfect gifts for each member of my family. I am sure they will love the gifts I bought for them.