Find the surface area of the two-tiered steps. 14 in 13 in 17 in 8.5 in 6.5 in(1 point) Responses

The surface area of the two-tiered steps can be calculated by finding the surface area of each step and adding them together.

Surface area of the first step:
Length = 14 in
Width = 13 in
Surface area = Length x Width
Surface area = 14 in x 13 in
Surface area = 182 square inches

Surface area of the second step:
Length = 17 in
Width = 8.5 in
Surface area = Length x Width
Surface area = 17 in x 8.5 in
Surface area = 144.5 square inches

Total surface area of the two-tiered steps:
182 square inches (first step) + 144.5 square inches (second step) = 326.5 square inches

Therefore, the surface area of the two-tiered steps is 326.5 square inches.