Simplify the rational expression. State any restrictions on the variable.

(n^4 - 11n^2 +30)/(n^4 - 7n^2 + 10)

[(n - 6)(n - 5)(n + 1)(n + 2)] / [(n - 5)(n - 2)(n - 1)(n - 1)]

Restrictions: n cannot equal 5, 2, or 1.

the options are

A n^2 - 6/n^2 - 2; n ≠ 5, n ≠ 2
B -(n^2 - 6)/n^2 - 2; n ≠ ± sqrt5, n ≠ ± sqrt2
C n^2 - 6/n^2 - 2; n ≠ ± sqrt5, n ≠ ± sqrt2
D n^2 - 6/n^2 - 2; n ≠ 5, n ≠ -2

Let's factor the numerator and denominator completely:

Numerator: n^4 - 11n^2 + 30 = (n^2 - 6)(n^2 - 5)
Denominator: n^4 - 7n^2 + 10 = (n^2 - 2)(n^2 - 5)

Now simplify the expression:
(n^2 - 6)(n^2 - 5)/(n^2 - 2)(n^2 - 5)
= (n^2 - 6)/(n^2 - 2)

The simplified expression is n^2 - 6/n^2 - 2.

Since n^2 - 5 is a factor in both the numerator and denominator, n ≠ ± sqrt5.

The correct option is C: n^2 - 6/n^2 - 2; n ≠ ± sqrt5, n ≠ ± sqrt2.

Find the least common multiple of x³ – x² + x – 1 and x² – 1 . Write the answer in factored form.

(1 point)

a ( x + 1)²( x  – 1)

b ( x + 1)( x  – 1)( x² + 1)

c ( x³  – x²  + x  – 1)( x²  – 1)

d (x + 1)(x – 1)(x² – 1)

To find the least common multiple (LCM) of x³ - x² + x - 1 and x² - 1, we need to factor both expressions first.

x³ - x² + x - 1 can be factored into (x - 1)(x² + 1).

x² - 1 can be factored further to (x - 1)(x + 1).

So, the factored form is:
(x - 1)(x² + 1) and (x - 1)(x + 1)

Now, the LCM is the product of all unique factors to their highest powers:

LCM = (x - 1)(x² + 1)(x + 1)

Therefore, the correct answer is b: (x + 1)(x - 1)(x² + 1).

Simplify the sum

7/a+8 + 7/a^2-64

To simplify the sum:

7/(a+8) + 7/(a²-64)

First, factor the denominator of the second fraction:

a² - 64 can be factored as (a+8)(a-8)

Now, we rewrite the expression:

7/(a+8) + 7/((a+8)(a-8))

To add these fractions, we need a common denominator. The common denominator is (a+8)(a-8).

So, we rewrite the fractions with the common denominator:

7(a-8)/((a+8)(a-8)) + 7/(a+8)(a-8)

Combine the numerators:

(7(a-8) + 7) / ((a+8)(a-8))

Simplify the numerator:

(7a - 56 + 7) / ((a+8)(a-8))
(7a - 49) / ((a+8)(a-8))

Therefore, the simplified sum is (7a - 49) / (a+8)(a-8).