How would life on earth be affected if the atmosphere did not contain greenhouse gases?

If the atmosphere did not contain greenhouse gases, life on Earth would be significantly impacted in the following ways:

1. Drastic decrease in temperature: Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, keeping the planet warm enough to support life. Without these gases, Earth's surface temperature would plummet, making the planet much colder and inhospitable for many forms of life.

2. Disruption of ecosystems: The sudden drop in temperature would disrupt ecosystems around the world, leading to mass extinctions of plants and animals unable to adapt to the new environment.

3. Changes in weather patterns: The absence of greenhouse gases would also lead to changes in global weather patterns, potentially causing extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods, to become more frequent and severe.

4. Impact on agriculture: The colder temperatures and erratic weather patterns would have a significant impact on agricultural production, leading to crop failures and food shortages.

5. Rise in sea levels: Greenhouse gases also play a role in regulating sea levels by affecting the melting of polar ice caps. Without these gases, sea levels would rise more rapidly, leading to coastal flooding and the displacement of millions of people living in low-lying areas.

Overall, the absence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would have a catastrophic impact on life on Earth, threatening the existence of many species, disrupting ecosystems, and causing widespread environmental and societal consequences.