The number of miles driven by Owen varies directly with the number of gallons he used.

Number of Gallons UsedNumber of Gallons Used Number of Miles DrivenNumber of Miles Driven
55 114, point, 5114.5
99 206, point, 1206.1
4949 1122, point, 11122.1
How many miles would he drive on 50 gallons?

To find out how many miles he would drive on 50 gallons, we can set up a proportion using the given data:

(55 gallons / 114.5 miles) = (50 gallons / x miles)

Cross multiply:

55 * x = 114.5 * 50
55x = 5725
x = 5725 / 55
x = 104.09

Therefore, Owen would drive approximately 104.09 miles on 50 gallons.