Tommy and Cole are planning to build an aquarium for their pet fish. If the dimensions of the aquarium are 17 inches long, 9 inches wide, and 11 inches tall, how much glass do they need to buy to enclose the aquarium?(1 point)

surface area = _ square inches

Surface area = 2(17*9) + 2(17*11) + 2(9*11)

Surface area = 2(153) + 2(187) + 2(99)
Surface area = 306 + 374 + 198
Surface area = 878 square inches

Therefore, Tommy and Cole would need to buy 878 square inches of glass to enclose the aquarium.

For Monica’s 14th birthday, she wants to make over her bedroom. The first phase in the bedroom makeover is painting her room. If Monica’s room is 20 ft. long, 15 ft. wide, and 9 ft. high, find the surface area of the room that you are going to paint, including the floor and ceiling(1 point)

surface area = _ square feet

To find the surface area of the room that will be painted, we need to calculate the surface area of all the walls as well as the floor and ceiling.

Surface area of the walls:
2*(20*9) + 2*(15*9)
= 2*(180) + 2*(135)
= 360 + 270
= 630 square feet

Surface area of the ceiling:
= 300 square feet

Surface area of the floor:
= 300 square feet

Total surface area to be painted:
630 (walls) + 300 (ceiling) + 300 (floor)
= 1230 square feet

Therefore, Monica would need to paint 1230 square feet of surface area in her room for her makeover.

Christian collects model cars and planes. He has a display showcase of all of his collectors' items. Solve this real-world problem to find the surface area of the display showcase if it is the shape of a triangular prism with the following dimensions: h =9 inches, b =17 inches, s1 =10 inches, s2

=12 inches, s3
= 17 and l =10 inches.(1 point)
S.A.=_ in.^2

Christian collects model cars and planes. He has a display showcase of all of his collectors' items. Solve this real-world problem to find the surface area of the display showcase if it is the shape of a triangular prism with the following dimensions: h =9 inches, b =17 inches, s1 =10 inches, s2=12 inches, s3 = 17 and l =10 inches

S.A.=_ in.^2

The surface area of a triangular prism can be calculated by finding the sum of the areas of all its faces.

In this case, the triangular prism has 2 triangular faces and 3 rectangular faces.

1. The area of the two triangular faces (base and top) can be calculated using the formula for the area of a triangle:
Area = (1/2) * base * height

Area of the base triangle = (1/2) * 17 * 10 = 85 square inches
Area of the top triangle = (1/2) * 17 * 10 = 85 square inches

2. The area of the three rectangular faces can be calculated as:
Area = length * width

Area of the side with length 10 inches = 10 * 9 = 90 square inches
Area of the side with length 12 inches = 12 * 9 = 108 square inches
Area of the side with length 17 inches = 17 * 9 = 153 square inches

Now, we sum up the areas of all the faces to find the total surface area of the triangular prism:

Total surface area = 85 (base triangle) + 85 (top triangle) + 90 (side 1) + 108 (side 2) + 153 (side 3)
Total surface area = 521 square inches

Therefore, the surface area of Christian's display showcase, shaped like a triangular prism, is 521 square inches.

What is 521 square inches squared?

521 square inches squared is equal to 521 * 521 = 271,441 square inches squared. This represents the total area obtained when you square the measurement of 521 square inches.

To calculate the surface area of a triangular prism, we need to find the area of each of its faces:

1. The area of the two triangular faces (base and top):
Area of a triangle = (1/2) * base * height

Area of the base triangle = (1/2) * 10 * 17 = 85 square inches
Area of the top triangle = (1/2) * 10 * 17 = 85 square inches

2. The area of the three rectangular faces (sides):
Area of a rectangle = length * width

Area of the side with length 10 inches = 10 * 9 = 90 square inches
Area of the side with length 12 inches = 12 * 9 = 108 square inches
Area of the side with length 17 inches = 17 * 9 = 153 square inches

Now, we sum up the areas of all the faces to find the total surface area of the triangular prism:

Total surface area = 85 (base triangle) + 85 (top triangle) + 90 (side 1) + 108 (side 2) + 153 (side 3)
Total surface area = 521 square inches

Therefore, the surface area of Christian's display showcase is 521 square inches.