How did Buddhism affect India?

It became the major religion in India, taking the place of Hinduism.

It became the major religion in India, taking the place of Hinduism.

It offered an alternative to the rigid caste system of Hinduism.

It offered an alternative to the rigid caste system of Hinduism.

It changed the culture to focus on one God rather than many gods.

It changed the culture to focus on one God rather than many gods.

It led to a political uprising that toppled the Indian government.

It led to a political uprising that toppled the Indian government.

It promoted non-violence and tolerance, influencing Indian society and culture in a positive way.

It contributed to the development of Indian art, architecture, and literature.

It encouraged education and intellectual pursuits, leading to the establishment of universities and centers of learning in India.

It spread to other parts of Asia and beyond through trade and cultural exchanges, influencing other societies and religions.

Overall, Buddhism had a significant impact on India in terms of religion, culture, society, and politics.