A girl is able to drive 535.5 miles to her grandmother's house in 8.5 hours. The distance (D ) a car travels is equal to the product of the rate (r ), in miles per hour, and time (t ), in hours.

D = r • t

What is the rate of the girl's car during her trip to her grandmother's house?

To find the rate of the girl's car, we can rearrange the formula D = r • t to solve for r.

D = 535.5 miles
t = 8.5 hours

Plugging in the values:
535.5 = r • 8.5

Now, divide both sides by 8.5 to solve for r:
r = 535.5 / 8.5
r = 63 miles per hour

Therefore, the rate of the girl's car during her trip to her grandmother's house is 63 miles per hour.