Discuss four ways in which teenage pregnancy could negatively impact the future of a school going youth

1. Educational attainment: Teenage pregnancy can disrupt a young person's education, leading to lower academic performance, increased dropout rates, and reduced opportunities for future success. Balancing the responsibilities of parenthood with schoolwork can be challenging, and many teenage parents struggle to complete their education, limiting their future career prospects.

2. Economic instability: Teenage parents often face financial pressures due to the added expenses of raising a child. They may struggle to find stable employment or advance their careers due to their limited education and work experience. This can lead to economic instability and a cycle of poverty that can be difficult to break out of.

3. Social stigma: Teenage pregnancy can lead to social stigma and discrimination, impacting a young person's self-esteem and mental well-being. They may face judgment and criticism from their peers, teachers, and community members, which can affect their social relationships and sense of belonging. This can also lead to feelings of isolation and alienation, further hindering their future prospects.

4. Emotional and mental health: Teenage pregnancy can take a toll on a young person's emotional and mental well-being. They may experience feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and isolation as they navigate the challenges of parenthood at a young age. This can impact their ability to focus on their education, make healthy choices for themselves and their child, and form positive relationships with others. Over time, untreated emotional and mental health issues can have long-term consequences on their overall well-being and future success.