Rewrite the story adding in dialogue for both characters.

One day a fox invited a stork for dinner.

"Hello Stork, would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" asked the fox.

"Oh, that sounds lovely! I would be delighted to join you," replied the stork.

The fox prepared a delicious soup for dinner and served it in shallow bowls. The stork struggled to eat the soup with his long bill and went home hungry.

"I apologize for not considering your bill when preparing dinner. Let me make it up to you by inviting you over for dinner at my place tomorrow," said the stork.

"I would be happy to join you for dinner tomorrow. Thank you for understanding," replied the fox.

The next day, the stork prepared a meal served in tall, narrow glasses. The fox had difficulty eating from the glasses, while the stork enjoyed his meal effortlessly.

"Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson about empathy and consideration. I will always remember this dinner," said the fox.

"Thank you for being understanding and open to learning. Let's always remember to consider each other's needs in the future," replied the stork.

And from that day on, the fox and the stork shared many thoughtful and considerate meals together.