Choose a question and then a website based on personal health or well-being and complete the Resource Evaluation Checklist to assess the validity and reliability of your resource.

Complete the reflection page based on your website evaluations and the concerns you came across.
Title of the resource:

Type of resource: printed source


Internet website address:



Validity Checklist: is the resource truthful?

1. is the information current up to one year?




2. Is the same information found in more than one resource?

Yes No N/A

3. Is there enough information about the topic?
Yes No N/A
4. Are the facts in the article cited or referenced?

Yes No N/A

Reliability Checklist: Is the resource trustworthy and dependable?
Yes No N/A
1. Is the purpose of the resource stated clearly?

Yes No N/A

2. The resource does not appear to be an advertisement.

Yes No N/A

3. Is the resource a gov, edu, or org?
Yes No N/A
4. Is the author's name listed?
Yes No N/A
5. Is the author's background trustworthy and dependable?
Yes No N/A
6. Is the resource sponsored by an institution or organization?
Yes No N/A

What was the question you wanted answered:

Based on my resources, what was the most probable answer I came up with?

Which resource was the most valid and reliable?

What were the reasons why this was the most valid and reliable? (use your checklist)

Why did I think the source was valid?

Why did I think the source was reliable?


Was there a resource you chose not to use because it was not valid or reliable? Y or N

If you answered yes, then explain why you did not use it?

List three reasons why you feel it is important to use valid and reliable resources when looking for

information on personal health or well-being:

1. Ensuring accuracy: Valid and reliable resources provide accurate and up-to-date information, which is crucial when making decisions about one's health or well-being.

2. Avoiding misinformation: Using unreliable sources can lead to misinformation, which can be harmful to one's health. It is important to use sources that are trustworthy and dependable to avoid this risk.

3. Making informed decisions: Valid and reliable resources help individuals make informed decisions about their health and well-being. By using trustworthy sources, individuals can feel confident in the information they are using to make these decisions.