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What is the vertex form of the equation?


To find the vertex form of the equation y = -x^2 + 12x - 4, we first need to complete the square.

Step 1: Find the coefficient of x in the equation and halve it.
In this case, the coefficient of x is 12, so half of 12 is 6.

Step 2: Square the value found in Step 1.
6^2 = 36

Step 3: Add and subtract the value from Step 2 to the equation.
y = -x^2 + 12x + 36 - 36 - 4
y = -(x^2 - 12x + 36) - 40
y = -(x-6)^2 - 40

Therefore, the vertex form of the equation y = -x^2 + 12x - 4 is y = -(x-6)^2 - 40.