The circumference of a circle is 22pi inches. Find the area of that circle. subsitute 3.14 for pi. express your answer in the 100th place

The circumference of the circle is 22pi inches, which is approximately 69.08 inches (22 * 3.14 = 69.08 inches).

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2 * pi * r, where r is the radius of the circle. Since the circumference is given as 69.08 inches, we can solve for the radius:

69.08 = 2 * 3.14 * r
r = 69.08 / (2 * 3.14)
r ≈ 11

Now that we have the radius, we can find the area of the circle using the formula A = pi * r^2:

A = 3.14 * 11^2
A = 3.14 * 121
A ≈ 380.94

Therefore, the area of the circle is approximately 380.94 square inches.