Do you think it's valuable to feel sympathy for objects that aren't real?

While it may be natural and human to feel empathy or sympathy for fictional characters or objects, as they can still elicit emotional reactions and connections, it is important to recognize the distinction between real and fictional entities. It's beneficial to engage with fictional stories and characters to deepen our understanding of emotions and human experience, but ultimately it's crucial to prioritize empathy and compassion for real people and real-world issues.

Do you think it's valuable to feel sympathy for objects that aren't real?

Feeling sympathy or empathy for objects that are not real can potentially enhance our ability to connect with the world around us and stimulate our imagination. Through such emotional engagement, we may develop a greater appreciation for creativity, art, and storytelling. Additionally, it can also provide a therapeutic outlet for processing emotions and enhancing empathy. Ultimately, as long as this empathy for unreal objects does not overshadow our empathy for real people and animals, it can be a valuable and enriching experience.