How might Walt Whitman have influenced other writers who came after him?

Walt Whitman's groundbreaking free verse style and his themes of individualism, democracy, and nature had a profound influence on generations of writers who came after him. Some ways in which he may have influenced other writers include:

1. His use of unconventional forms and structures in poetry, such as free verse, paved the way for other writers to experiment with new forms and techniques.

2. Whitman's celebration of the individual and exploration of the self inspired later writers to delve into themes of identity, personal experience, and the human condition.

3. His celebration of democracy and equality influenced writers who were interested in social justice and political activism.

4. Whitman's deep connection to nature and his celebration of the natural world resonated with later writers who explored themes of environmentalism and the relationship between humanity and the natural world.

5. His use of vivid imagery and sensory language influenced writers who sought to create rich, immersive experiences for their readers.

Overall, Whitman's bold, visionary approach to poetry and his exploration of universal themes have left a lasting impact on countless writers who have followed in his footsteps.