Olga has been assigned to create an event for her company. She decides to hold a picnic at a local park with games and a petting zoo. This will be held on a Saturday. Does this benefit families if the parent does not generally work on Saturdays?

(1 point)
• No, it will actually create more stress for the employees.
Ores, there are benefits to spending relaxing time with co-workers.
Yes, but the employees will need to get paid as if they were working.
No, companies should never
• expect employees to participate in weekend events.

Yes, this benefits families because it allows parents to spend quality time with their children in a fun and relaxed setting on a day when they are typically off work.

Pick a answer

Yes, this benefits families because it allows parents to spend quality time with their children in a fun and relaxed setting on a day when they are typically off work.

Anyone can decide what your priorities are for you because the process is not unique or personal at all.

(1 point)
• True
• False
