The figure shown was created by placing the vertices of a square on the circle. If the Circle has a radius of 5cm and the square has a side length of 7cm.

Which measurement is closest to the area of the shaded region of the figure in square centimeters?

Question 7 options:





The area of the square is 7cm * 7cm = 49 square cm.

The area of the circle is π * (5cm)^2 = 25π square cm.

The area of the shaded region is the area of the circle minus the area of the square:

25π - 49.

This is approximately equal to 25 * 3.14 - 49, which equals 78.5 - 49 = 29.5 square cm.

Therefore, the measurement closest to the area of the shaded region of the figure in square centimeters is 29.5.

So the answer is: 29.5