What is most memorable about the novel? What devices does the author use to create this effect?

crossover book.

The most memorable aspect of the novel may vary depending on individual readers, but some common elements that could make a book stand out include a compelling plot, well-developed characters, vivid settings, or thought-provoking themes.

To create a lasting impact on readers, authors can use a variety of literary devices. Some of these devices include:

- Imagery: Descriptive language that appeals to the senses can really bring a story to life and make it more memorable for readers.
- Foreshadowing: Hinting at future events can create anticipation and make the payoff more satisfying when the events eventually come to pass.
- Unreliable narration: Characters who may not be completely trustworthy as narrators can add layers of complexity and intrigue to a story.
- Symbolism: Using symbols to represent larger themes or ideas in a story can add depth and resonance.

Ultimately, the most memorable aspect of a novel will depend on the reader's personal preferences and experiences, but authors can use a combination of these devices to create a lasting impact on their audience.