use this to make a snetence My answer is based on historical accounts and scholarly research on the Fujiwara family and the Japanese imperial court system during the Heian period. The Fujiwara family's rise to power was largely attributed to their strategic marriages with the imperial family and their influence within the court system.

By marrying their daughters to emperors and other high-ranking officials, the Fujiwara family gained control over key positions and access to political power. This enabled them to establish a network of alliances and solidify their dominance within the court. Additionally, their accumulation of wealth and land through these marriages further strengthened their influence in Japanese society.

Furthermore, the Fujiwara family's involvement in the appointment of government officials allowed them to shape policy decisions and control the administration of the state. This centralized power and allowed them to maintain their position as the ruling clan for a significant period of time.

Overall, the interplay between the imperial court system and the strategic actions of the Fujiwara family contributed to their rise to power and dominance in medieval Japan.

The rise to power and dominance of the Fujiwara family in medieval Japan was largely influenced by their strategic marriages with the imperial family and their control over key positions within the court system. Their accumulation of wealth, land, and political alliances allowed them to shape policy decisions and maintain their position as the ruling clan for a significant period of time.