Which statement connects how innovations in science and technology contributed to changes in social and cultural life in the early 20th century A car spread ideas as people were able to travel farther with less effort B, cars led to the growth of materialism as people came to rely on them more see. airplanes allowed celebrities to grow in influence because they could travel the world The airplanes allowed goods to be shipped quicker and cheaper growing materialism.

A car spread ideas as people were able to travel farther with less effort.

What invention most increased the influence of films on culture and society in the 20th century? The cinematograph, the innovation of sound, the addition of newsreels, the creation of future length films.

The invention of sound (talkies) most increased the influence of films on culture and society in the 20th century.

Analyze the development of popular in mass culture on the interwar years, an interwar years, people feel their leisure time by enjoying and practicing similar sorts of activities and focusing on self improvement. For some people, that men refuting the types of culture that came before in the interwar years, people filled their leisure time by enjoying and practicing activities that were as unique as possible, such as going to the movies or watching baseball. For some people, that meant rejecting the types of culture that came before. And the interwar years, people filled their leisure time by enjoying and practicing similar sorts of activities, such as going to the movies or watching baseball for old people. That meant accepting the types of culture that came before. In the interwar years, people feel their leisure time by enjoying and practicing similar sorts of activities such as going to the movies or watching baseball. For some people, that meant Rejecting the type of culture that came before

In the interwar years, there was a significant shift in popular mass culture towards more unified activities and forms of entertainment. People filled their leisure time by engaging in similar activities such as going to the movies or watching baseball. This trend indicated a sense of shared experiences and interests within society during that period. While some individuals sought out new and unique experiences to differentiate themselves from previous cultural norms, others embraced and accepted the prevailing types of culture that came before. Overall, the interwar years witnessed a commonality in leisure activities that brought people together and contributed to the development of a shared cultural identity in mass society.

Which of the following identifies an impact of the Great Depression on women and children? Many women were forced back into the home as jobs or reserved for men who were seeing as the traditional breadwinners. Many children left school earlier making high school in uncommon experience for the first time. Many women were forced out of their home as desperate times required them to find work. Many children stayed in school longer, making high school common experience for the first time. May. women were forced back into the home as jobs were reserved for men who were seeing his destruction of breadwinners. Many children stayed in school longer, making high school a common experience for the first time. Many women were forced to move to the countryside to support their families and escape the Dust Bowl. Many children stayed in school longer, making high school a common experience for the first time.

Many women were forced back into the home as jobs were reserved for men who were seen as the traditional breadwinners. Many children left school earlier, making high school an uncommon experience for the first time.

Explain the impact of the death of Vladimir Lenin on the USSR. The death of Lenin was a period of transition for the new USSR economic and power struggles meant that the country was rescuing with its existence in this struggle by in school to personality marched as an incurring point. The death of Lenin was a period of transition for the new USSR economic and power struggle with the country was wrestling with its existence This struggle line is called a personality emerged as a way for people to forget about it. The death of Lenin was the period of transition for the new USSR Economic and power struggles meant that the country was wrestling with its existence in this struggle in its core personality merged as a point on contention. The death of Lenin was a period of stability for the new USSR after some years of economic trouble. The country was now in a good place. London School of Personality emerged as an inquiry point.

The death of Lenin marked a period of transition for the new USSR. Economic and power struggles emerged as the country grappled with its existence, leading to intense internal struggles and uncertainties. Various factions vied for control and influence within the government, leading to a power struggle. The emergence of Stalin as a dominant figure in the Soviet government marked a turning point in this internal struggle. The death of Lenin ultimately led to a period of instability and turmoil in the Soviet Union, as the country navigated through this transition and power struggles.