A student attempts to arrange four elements (as shown below) in order from most reactive to least reactive.


Is the arrangement correct, and why (or why not)?

(1 point)

No. An element’s reactivity decreases from right to left on the periodic table.
No. An element’s reactivity decreases from right to left on the periodic table.

No. An element’s reactivity decreases as atomic mass increases.
No. An element’s reactivity decreases as atomic mass increases.

Yes. An element’s reactivity decreases from left to right on the periodic table.
Yes. An element’s reactivity decreases from left to right on the periodic table.

Yes. An element’s reactivity decreases along with its atomic number.

No. An element's reactivity generally increases as you move from left to right on the periodic table, not decreases. So, the student's attempt to arrange the elements from most reactive to least reactive is incorrect.

a b c or d

The correct response is:

No. An element's reactivity decreases from right to left on the periodic table.