what were martin luthers criticisms if the church

1. Selling of indulgences: Luther criticized the Church for selling indulgences, which were said to forgive sins and release individuals from punishment in purgatory. He believed that salvation could not be bought and that faith and grace were more important.

2. Corruption of the clergy: Luther condemned the corruption of the clergy, including the selling of church positions and the hypocrisy of church officials who lived luxurious lives while neglecting their religious duties.

3. Marriage and celibacy: Luther criticized the Church's requirement of celibacy for clergy, believing that it was unnecessary and led to immoral behavior. He himself married a former nun, Katharina von Bora.

4. Papal authority: Luther rejected the authority of the pope and believed that all Christians had the right to interpret the Bible for themselves, rather than relying solely on the teachings of the Church.

5. Worship practices: Luther criticized the elaborate rituals and ceremonies of the Catholic Church, arguing that they distracted from the true message of Christianity and were not necessary for salvation.

Overall, Luther's criticisms of the Church were aimed at reforming the practices and beliefs that he believed had strayed from the true teachings of Christianity. His criticisms eventually led to the Protestant Reformation and the establishment of the Lutheran Church.