Explain Two Factors that could lead to discrimination

1. Stereotyping: Stereotypes are oversimplified and generalized beliefs about a particular group of people. When individuals are judged based on these stereotypes rather than their individual characteristics and abilities, it can lead to discrimination. For example, if a person believes that all members of a certain racial or ethnic group exhibit certain negative traits, they may treat individuals from that group unfairly or discriminate against them.

2. Prejudice and Bias: Prejudice is a preconceived opinion or judgment about a person or group of people based on stereotypes or other factors such as race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. These biases can lead individuals to treat others unfairly or discriminate against them. For example, if a hiring manager holds prejudiced beliefs about women being less competent than men in certain professions, they may intentionally overlook qualified female candidates for job opportunities. Discrimination often stems from these underlying prejudices and biases.