Which theme can be identified in the following lines from Suspension (pgs. 138-141)?

“You’re twins, not the same person. / But that doesn’t mean he has to stop loving me. / Your brother will always love you, Josh.”

Twins have a unique relationship.

All relationships undergo change over time.

Love is not forever.

Siblings grow apart in time.

All relationships undergo change over time.

Twins have a unique relationship.

Yes, the theme that can be identified in the lines "You’re twins, not the same person. But that doesn’t mean he has to stop loving me. Your brother will always love you, Josh" is that all relationships undergo change over time. The lines suggest that even though twins may be different individuals, their relationship may evolve and change over time but the love between them remains constant. This highlights the idea that relationships, including those between siblings, are subject to change and growth as time passes.