Students are making lemonade from a powdered lemon drink mix. Abigail mixes 4 cups of water and 3 cups of powdered lemon mix. Grayson mixes 7 cups of water and 5 cups of powdered lemon mix. Use Abigail and Grayson’s proportions of powdered lemon mix to determine whose mix will be more lemony.

Attempt 1 out of 3

Abigail powdered lemon mix proportion (out of total) as fraction =

Grayson powdered lemon mix proportion (out of total) as fraction =

Abigail's powdered lemon mix proportion = 3/7

Grayson's powdered lemon mix proportion = 5/12

Comparing the two proportions, Grayson's mix will be more lemony as he has a higher proportion of powdered lemon mix in his mixture.