The liquid outer core of Earth is 2300 kilometers thick. A scale model of the layers of Earth has a scale of 1 in. : 500 km. How thick is the liquid outer core of the model?

To find the thickness of the liquid outer core of the model, we first need to determine the scale factor. Since 1 inch represents 500 km in the actual Earth, the scale factor is:

1 inch = 500 km
x inches = 2300 km

Now, we can set up a proportion to find the thickness of the liquid outer core in the model:

1 inch / 500 km = x inches / 2300 km

Cross multiplying, we get:

500x = 2300
x = 2300 / 500
x = 4.6 inches

Therefore, the liquid outer core of the model is 4.6 inches thick.