7. Determine the scale factor used in %0D%0Athe dilation of the larger rectangle to %0D%0Athe similar smaller rectangle.%0D%0AA. 1%0D%0A2%0D%0AB. 2%0D%0AC. 1

and how did we get the answer

The scale factor used in the dilation of the larger rectangle to the similar smaller rectangle can be determined by comparing the corresponding sides of the two rectangles.

Let's say the length of a side of the larger rectangle is L and the corresponding side of the smaller rectangle is l. The scale factor can be calculated by dividing the length of the side of the smaller rectangle by the length of the corresponding side of the larger rectangle:

Scale Factor = l/L

In this case, if the scale factor is 1/2, then the answer would be 2 because the smaller rectangle is half the size of the larger rectangle.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is:

B. 2