Describe two examples of technologies (procedures / equipment) that can be

used to either enhance or disrupt perceptions coming from the sense organs.

One example of a technology that can enhance perceptions from the sense organs is virtual reality (VR) equipment. VR technology uses headsets and sensory devices to create an immersive, computer-generated environment that can simulate realistic sights, sounds, and sensations. This can enhance perceptions by offering a highly realistic and interactive experience that can engage multiple senses simultaneously, providing a more immersive and engaging experience.

On the other hand, an example of a technology that can disrupt perceptions from the sense organs is noise-canceling headphones. By using technology to actively cancel out external sounds, noise-canceling headphones can disrupt the perception of sound, creating a quieter and potentially disorienting environment. This can alter a person's auditory experience, potentially leading to a sense of detachment from their surroundings and affecting their ability to accurately perceive and interpret sounds.