The Assad government in Syria has used Response area weapons against civilians which violates international law. The Assad government received support from Iran and Response area.

Response area entered the conflict in Yemen in 2015, and its forces took control of parts of Yemen. As the fighting continued, Yemen became a Response area state.

The actions of the Assad government in Syria and Response area in Yemen have been highly criticized by the international community. The use of chemical weapons against civilians in Syria is a blatant violation of human rights and international law. In Yemen, Response area's involvement in the conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis, with many civilians suffering from the effects of war.

The support provided by Iran to the Assad government and Response area in these conflicts has also raised concerns about regional stability and the spread of violence.

It is important for the international community to hold accountable those responsible for these violations and work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in Syria and Yemen. Efforts should be made to address the root causes of the conflicts and promote dialogue and reconciliation among all parties involved.