Solve the following problem a town has a swimming pool shaped as in the diagram what is the area of the swimming pool in square yards

7 yd at top

8 yd right side

3 yd bottom

3 yd left side

To find the area of the swimming pool, we need to break down the shape into simpler shapes.

First, let's divide the swimming pool into two parts: a trapezoid and a rectangle.

The trapezoid has a height of 7 yards and bases of 8 yards and 3 yards.

Area of trapezoid = 1/2 * (a + b) * h
Area of trapezoid = 1/2 * (8 + 3) * 7
Area of trapezoid = 1/2 * 11 * 7
Area of trapezoid = 38.5 square yards

Next, the rectangle has sides of 8 yards and 3 yards.

Area of rectangle = length * width
Area of rectangle = 8 * 3
Area of rectangle = 24 square yards

Total area of the swimming pool = area of trapezoid + area of rectangle
Total area of the swimming pool = 38.5 + 24
Total area of the swimming pool = 62.5 square yards

So, the area of the swimming pool in square yards is 62.5 square yards.