Brain Rule #1 is: Survival. “The human brain evolved too.” What do you think about this? You may have agreed or disagreed with this section. Explain.

I agree with Brain Rule #1 that survival is a key driving force behind the evolution of the human brain. Our brains have evolved over millions of years to prioritize functions and behaviors that enhance our chances of survival and reproduction. This includes the development of complex cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, decision-making, and social interactions.

The human brain has adapted to help us navigate the challenges of our environment, including finding food, avoiding danger, and forming social bonds. Without these survival instincts and cognitive abilities, our species would not have been able to thrive and evolve to the extent that we have.

Overall, I believe that the concept of survival as a driving force behind brain evolution is supported by scientific evidence and aligns with our understanding of how the human brain has developed over time.