Among 33 to 38-year-olds 26% say they have used a computer while under the influence of alcohol suppose for 33 to 38-year-olds are selected at random what is the probability that at least one has not used a computer will under the influence of alcohol

The probability that a 33 to 38-year-old has not used a computer while under the influence of alcohol is 1 - 0.26 = 0.74.

Therefore, the probability that at least one out of a group of randomly selected 33 to 38-year-olds has not used a computer while under the influence of alcohol is the complement of the probability that all of them have used a computer while under the influence of alcohol.

So, the probability that at least one has not used a computer while under the influence of alcohol is 1 - 0.26 = 0.74.