Compare and contrast TWO of the following revolutions: American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, and Latin American Revolutions. What were the key factors that sparked these revolutions? How did they differ in terms of goals, strategies, and outcomes? Please note that your response should be around 5 sentences.

The American Revolution and the French Revolution were both sparked by desires for political and social change, but they differed greatly in terms of goals, strategies, and outcomes. The American Revolution sought to gain independence from British rule and establish a democracy, while the French Revolution aimed to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic. The American Revolution was largely peaceful and focused on creating a new government based on Enlightenment principles, while the French Revolution was marked by violence and radical changes in society. In terms of outcomes, the American Revolution resulted in the formation of a stable democracy, while the French Revolution ultimately led to the rise of Napoleon and a period of instability.