How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act affect the Missouri Compromise? (3 points) Responses It repealed the Missouri Compromise and made Kansas a slave territory. It repealed the Missouri Compromise and made Kansas a slave territory. It repealed the Missouri Compromise and granted Kansas popular sovereignty. It repealed the Missouri Compromise and granted Kansas popular sovereignty. It upheld the Missouri Compromise and made Kansas a free territory. It upheld the Missouri Compromise and made Kansas a free territory. It upheld the Missouri Compromise and combined the Kansas and Nebraska territories. It upheld the Missouri Compromise and combined the Kansas and Nebraska territories.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing for popular sovereignty in these territories, meaning that the issue of whether they would be slave or free was to be decided by the settlers themselves. This led to conflict and violence, as pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers fought for control of Kansas. Ultimately, the Kansas-Nebraska Act further intensified tensions over slavery and contributed to the start of the Civil War.