A square with an area of 1212 unitssquared

is dilated by a scale factor of 44. Find the area of the square after dilation. Round your answer to the nearest tenth, if necessary.

To find the area of the square after dilation, we first need to find the side length of the original square.

Given that the area of the square is 12 units^2, we can use the formula for the area of a square: Area = side length^2.

Therefore, side length = √12 = 2√3.

After dilation with a scale factor of 4, the side length of the new square will be 4 * 2√3 = 8√3.

So, the area of the square after dilation will be (8√3)^2 = 64 * 3 = 192 square units.

Therefore, the area of the square after dilation is 192 units^2.